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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Percussionist Gene Koshinski Tours with his Musical Inspiration

Gene Koshinski

Gene Koshinski, PAI percussion faculty member, is set to tour Slovenia and Germany with renowned percussionist/composer Nebjosa Jovan Zivkovic from May 17 to June 4, 2008.

Gene grew up with Zivkovic's music, one of the major inspirations that pushed him to pursue a solo/chamber music career. Gene says, "That's what makes this tour so special."

Gene first met Nebojsa Zivkovic at Rowan University when he played one of the composor's pieces for him in a masterclass. For a sophomore at West Chester University, it was a surreal experience. Gene went on to grad school at the Hartt School of Music where his percussion teacher often toured with Zivkovic.

Zivkovic refers to Gene as a "Strong musician, fast and accurate hands, it is always a pleasure to listen to his playing." Gene's role on tour will be as a member of Zivkovic's Jovan Percussion Group, a 3 member group designed to perform Zivkovic's's chamber music along with the conductor).

Nebjosa Jovan Zivkovic

The German-based percussionist and composer Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic has developed a searingly intense, forcefully masculine percussion world.... his grand gestures are characterised by an astonishing intensity and often fierceness..... the range and combinations of sounds he creates are startling, and all is delivered in hugely virtuosic performances which can't help but impress the listener. BBC-Music Magazine, Nov. 2000

For more information, including concert dates and audio samples, please visit the following Web sites:



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